Monitoring Events in Optimove

Events Log

The Events Log page, available to admins, allows you to monitor events being streamed to Optimove. For example, you will be able to easily identify events that were not configured properly in order to amend them.

The Events Log page is accessible from the Events Configuration Screen, under Settings, and provides direct access to all the streamed events that are recorded by Optimove, including SDK, Server-Side, and third-party solutions.


By default, only failed events are displayed. However, you can choose to record all events (including successful events) for a period of 5 minutes by clicking the Record All Events button. Successful events that have been recorded will remain in the display.

Events chart

The chart at the top of the Events Log page indicates the number of events that have been recorded in the selected time frame (for example, 14 days). You can search for specific events by any of the available criteria such as customer ID.

Zoom in snapshots

To zoom in on a specific date, simply select the snapshots you would like to expand on:

Zoomed in view

The chart below is the zoomed-in view of the dates selected above:

Another view

Event Statuses


A successful event is when the event and event parameters streamed to Optimove are a perfect match with those configured in Optimove.


The event log will display a warning when there are some minor inconsistencies between the way the event or event parameters are streamed to Optimove and the way they are configured. Events that appear with a warning can still be used to, for example, trigger campaigns. For instance, an event composed of a number of parameters where some are configured accurately and one or more are not will display a warning status.


A problem was found that needs to be resolved before using the event within Optimove. Optimove will display the cause of the error in the metadata validations column in the Events Log display. A list of possible warnings, errors and their causes can be found here.

Example collapsible screenshot

To learn more about why the event failed or view additional fields, click the chevron to the left of the timestamp of each recorded event.

From the Table tab, you can add fields to the main table by clicking on the Toggle column in table button:

Toggle column button

Toggle column screenshot

More table columns screenshot

Please note: Events are kept for a period of one week and up to 5GB.

QA Triggered Campaigns

Once your triggered campaign is set up, you can QA it to make sure it triggers successfully using the dedicated event – Campaign Triggered.

Please note: The Campaign Triggered event will not appear in the Events Settings page, but only in the Events Log page.

Steps to QA

  1. Go to the Events Log page and record all of your events.

  2. Log in to your site with a designated visitor ID for QA purposes, and perform the actions that trigger your campaign. For example, a page view.

  3. Search for the designated visitor ID, and the campaign_triggered event in the events log.

  4. If the campaign_triggered event appeared with the matching Visitor ID you used on your site, your campaign was triggered successfully.

Campaign triggered screenshot

Expand the event details (use the chevron on the left) and click on the JSON tab to view all the details related to the campaign:

  • Action
  • Trigger
  • Target group
  • Channel

Campaign JSON screenshot

Metadata Validation Table

Metadata ValidationStatusMessage
1010Error‘${eventName}’ is an undefined event
1020Warningevent ${eventName} contains ${parameters.length} parameters while the allowed number of parameters is ${_configuration.optitrackMetaData.maxActionCustomDimensions}. Some parameters were removed to process the event.
1030Warningparameter ‘${param_name}’ has not been configured for this event. It will not be tracked and cannot be used within a trigger.
1040Errorevent ${eventName} has a mandatory parameter, ‘${param_name}’, which is undefined or empty.
1050Warning‘${parameter}’ has exceeded the limit of allowed number of characters. The character limit is ${MAX_SIZE_STRING_PARAMETER}. It will not be tracked and cannot be used within a trigger.
1060Warning‘${parameter}’ should be of type ${parameterType}. It will not be tracked and cannot be used within a trigger.
1070ErroruserId, ‘${parameters.userId}’, is invalid.
1071ErroruserId, ‘${parameters.userId}’, is too long, the userId limit is ${_maxUserIdSize}.
1080ErrorEmail, ‘${email}’, is invalid.
1090ErrorURL, ‘${url}’, is invalid.