Required Data Tables

The following data tables describe the content, format, and labels of the required data.

  1. Customers – Each row describes the attributes of a single customer
  2. Orders_Summary – Each row represents an order transaction
  3. Orders_Items – Each row represents an item within a transaction
  4. Items_Catalog – Each row represents item IDs and their associated categories, departments, and brands

Important*:* All monetary figures must be converted into a single consistent currency.


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PKCustomer_ID**string/intUnique customer identifier
Registration_Date**dateDate the customer registered
Email*stringMandatory when using Optimail or if required by external ESP
Mobile_Number*stringMandatory if required by external service provider
Date_Of_BirthdateCustomer’s date of birth
Is_OptInstringDetermines whether it is acceptable to send promotional messages to the specified player. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Allow_Email*stringDetermines whether sending promotional Email messages to the specified email address is acceptable. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Allow_SMS*stringDetermines whether sending promotional SMS messages to the specified mobile address is acceptable. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Allow_Push*stringDetermines whether sending promotional Push messages to the specified mobile number is acceptable. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Is_Email_VerifiedstringDetermines whether the email address is verified. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Is_SMS_VerifiedstringDetermines whether the mobile number is verified. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Is_Blockedstring'No’ = regular customer ; 'Yes’ = blocked customer (e.g. fraud)
Is_Teststring'No’ = regular customer ; 'Yes’ = test customer
GenderstringCustomer’s gender. Must hold values ‘Male’, ‘Female’, ‘Unknown’
CountrystringCustomer’s country
CitystringCustomer’s city
AddressstringCustomer’s address
First_NamestringCustomer’s first name
Last_NamestringCustomer’s last name
LanguagestringCustomer’s language
CurrencystringCustomer’s currency
Referral_TypestringThe method by which the customer was referred to your site (e.g., SEO, Affiliate, Advertising, Marketing, etc.).
Registered_PlatformstringThe platform the customer had registered with (e.g. Web, Android App, iOS App, etc.)
Last_Login_DatedateThe date of the customer’s last login to the website
Allow_WhatsappstringDetermines whether sending promotional WhatsApp messages to the specified mobile number is acceptable. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Updated_DatedateDate when the record was last modified or added (Mandatory in case of DB to DB connection)
Is_Optin_Email_Time_Stamp*TimestampDetermines when it is acceptable to send promotional Email messages to the specified email address in case of approval


  • Please include any additional information that you find helpful
  • IsOptinEmailTimeStamp* - In case Optimove will manage the “unsubscribe” for the Opti-Mail integration please include an additional column to describe when the customer opts in \ out, to allow perfect sync with the daily batch.

*=Mandatory if required for the execution channel integration

**=Always mandatory


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PK, FKOrder_ID**stringUnique order identifier
FKCustomer_ID**stringID of the associated customer
Number_of_ItemsintThe number of items purchased in the order
Payment_MethodstringThe method of payment method (e.g. Credit Card, PayPal, etc.)
Total_Refund_Amount**decimalThe total amount that was refunded in the order
Total_Item_PricedecimalThe total price of all items in the order, before deductions.
DiscountdecimalTotal discount granted
Shipping_CostdecimalCosts of shipping
Total_TaxdecimalTotal tax amount of order
Total_Payment**decimalFinal payment amount made by the customer (after refund and cancellations deduction)
Order_Date**dateDate the order was placed
Store_TypestringType of store associated with the order. Should hold values ‘Web’ or ‘Store’.
Promo_CodestringID of the promo code used for the purchase.
Updated_Date**dateDate the record was updated or added.

Note: Please include any additional information that you find helpful.

** Always Mandatory


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PKOrder_Item_ID**stringUnique identifier of an item in an order
FKOrder_ID**stringUnique order identifier
FKProduct_ID**stringUnique product identifier
SKUstringSKU of the purchased item
Number_of_ItemsintThe number of items purchased of the product.
Item_PricedecimalThe price of a single item
DiscountdecimalThe discount applied to the item*
Refund_AmountdecimalThe amount that was refunded for items
Return_DatedateDate of the return of items

Note: Please include any additional information that you find helpful.

** Always Mandatory

*If a discount is given on the entire order, the value should be 0


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PK, FKProduct_ID**stringUnique product identifier
Item_NamestringName of item
Item_DescriptionstringDescription of item
CategorystringItem category
DepartmentstringThe department associated with the item
BrandstringThe brand associated with the item
Last_UpdateddateLast date the item was updated or added.

Note: Please include any additional information that you find helpful.

** Always Mandatory

Database Schema