Multi: Sport and Casino

Required Data Tables

The following data tables describe the content, format, and labels of the required data.

  1. Customers – Each row describes a player
  2. Bets_Transactions– Each row describes a ticket placed by a player
  3. Bets_Details – Each row describes a single bet within a ticket
  4. Wallet_Transactions – each row describes a financial transaction
  5. Games_Transactions– Each row describes a daily aggregation of a specific game played, player, and platform
  6. Game_Types_and_Categories – Game IDs and their associated types and categories

Important*:* All monetary figures must be converted into a single consistent currency.


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PKPlayer_ID**string/intUnique player identifier
Registration_Date**dateDate the player registered
Email*stringMandatory when using Optimail or if required by external ESP
Mobile_Number*stringMandatory if required by external service provider
Date_Of_BirthdatePlayer's date of birth
Is_OptInstringDetermines whether it is acceptable to send promotional messages to the specified player. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Allow_Email*stringDetermines whether sending promotional Email messages to the specified email address is acceptable. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Allow_SMS*stringDetermines whether sending promotional SMS messages to the specified mobile address is acceptable. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Allow_Push*stringDetermines whether sending promotional Push messages to the specified mobile number is acceptable. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Is_Email_VerifiedstringDetermines whether the email address is verified. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Is_SMS_VerifiedstringDetermines whether the mobile number is verified. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
Is_Blockedstring'No’ = regular player; 'Yes’ = blocked player (e.g. fraud)
Is_Teststring'No’ = regular player; 'Yes’ = test player
GenderstringPlayer’s gender. Must hold values ‘Male’, ‘Female’, ‘Unknown’
CountrystringPlayer’s country
CitystringPlayer’s city
AddressstringPlayer’s address
First_NamestringPlayer’s first name
Last_NamestringPlayer’s last name
LanguagestringPlayer's language
BalancedecimalThe monetary value of a player’s current balance
Casino_NamestringWhen multiple casino platforms exist
AliasstringUser name
CurrencystringPlayer’s currency
Referral_TypestringThe method by which the player was referred to your site (e.g., SEO, Affiliate, Advertising, Marketing, etc.).
Affiliate_IDstringAffiliate identifier or name
Registered_PlatformstringThe platform the player had registered with (e.g. Web, Android App, iOS App, etc.)
Last_Login_DatedateThe date of the player’s last login to the website
Allow_WhatsappstringDetermines whether sending promotional WhatsApp messages to the specified mobile number is acceptable. Should hold the values 'Yes' or 'No'.
LastUpdateddateDate when the record was last modified or added (Mandatory in case of DB to DB connection)
Is_Optin_Email_Time_Stamp*TimestampDetermines when it is acceptable to send promotional Email messages to the specified email address in case of approva


  • Please include any additional information that you find helpful
  • IsOptinEmailTimeStamp* - In case Optimove will manage the “unsubscribe” for the Opti-Mail integration please include additional column to describe when the customer opt in \ out, in order to allow perfect sync with the daily batch.

*=Mandatory if required for the execution channel integration

**=Always mandatory


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PKTicket_ID**stringUnique ticket identifier
FKPlayer_ID**stringUnique player identifier
Open_date**dateDate the ticket was opened
Settled_datedateDate the ticket was Settled
Cash_Bet_Amount**decimalBet amount from cash money
Bonus_Bet_AmountdecimalBet amount from bonus money
Bet_Amount**decimalTotal bet amount
Win_Amount**decimalTotal win amount
OddsdecimalCombined winning odds for all bets in the ticket
Ticket_TypestringTicket type. Should hold the value 'Single', 'Multi', or 'System'
PlatformstringPlatform from which the ticket was opened. Should hold the value 'Web' or 'Mobile'
Ticket_StatusstringTicket status. Should hold the value 'Win', 'Loss', or 'Open'
Is_Liveint1 = Bet was made during the event; 0 = otherwise
Is_Freeint1 = Is a free ticket; 0 = otherwise
Cashout_Flagint1 = Bet was cashed out; 0 = otherwise
Last_UpdateddateDate when the record was last modified or added (Mandatory in case of DB to DB connection)


  • Include free games in this table if the data is available
  • Attach a description of your Net-Gaming revenue calculation methodology


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PKBet_ID**stringUnique bet identifier
FKTicket_ID**stringUnique ticket identifier
OddsdecimalWinning odds for the specific bet
DisciplinestringDiscipline of the bet (e.g. Football, Horse Racing, Golf, etc.)
MeetingstringMeeting of the bet (e.g. NBA, World Cup 2018, Premier League, Serie A, etc.)
EventstringEvent of the bet (e.g. Man U Vs Arsenal, Wimbledon 2020, etc.)
Bet_TypestringBet type (e.g. Correct score, Win, Each way, etc.)
A_TeamstringMan U
Is_Liveint1 = Bet was made during the event; 0 = otherwise
Selectionstringselection of the bet


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PKGame_Date**timestampDate of the game
PKPlayer_ID**stringUnique player identifier
PKGame_ID**stringGame type identifier
PKPlatformstringShould hold values 'web' or 'mobile'
Real_Bet_Amount**decimalMonetary real value that was wagered
Real_Win_AmountdecimalMonetary real value that was won
Bonus_Bet_AmountdecimalTotal bonus amount that was wagered
Bonus_Win_AmountdecimalTotal bonus amount that was won
Net_Gaming_Revenue**decimalTotal revenue (after bonuses deduction) from daily sessions, in case of daily aggregation
Number_of_Real_BetsintTotal amount of real bets played
Number_of_Bonus_BetsintTotal amount of bonus bets played
Number_of_SessionsintTotal number of sessions played
Number_of_Real_WinsintTotal amount of real bets won
Number_of_Bonus_WinsintTotal amount of bonus bets won


  • Include free games in this table
  • Attach a description of your Net-Gaming revenue calculation methodology
  • If the platform field is not available, keep the first 3 fields as PK

**=Always mandatory


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PK, FKGame_ID**string/intGame unique identifier
Game_NamestringGame name (e.g. Blackjack, Silver Dollar)
Game_CategorystringDivision of games into major categories (e.g. Slots, Roulette, Table, etc.)
Update_AtdateDate when the record was last modified or added


  • Any other gaming dimension available can be added if needed, as our proposition is relatively lean.

**=Always mandatory


KeyFieldData TypeDescription
PKTransaction_ID**string/intUnique transaction identifier
Player_ID**stringUnique player identifier
Transaction_Date**dateTransaction date
Transaction_TimestamptimestampTransaction Timestamp
Transaction_Type**stringTransaction type. Should hold values 'DEPOSIT', 'WITHDRAWAL', or 'BONUS'
Transaction_AmountdecimalMonetary value of the transaction
PlatformstringPlatform from which the transaction made (e.g. Web, Mobile, Download)
Status**stringTransaction status (e.g. Approved, Rejected, Pending). Must have status ‘Approved’ for approved transactions.
Last_UpdatedDateDate when the record was last modified or added (Mandatory in case of DB to DB connection)


**=Always mandatory

Database Schema