Optimove API Overview

This document serves as a comprehensive guide to using the Optimove API, providing developers with the necessary concepts and workflows to seamlessly integrate Optimove with external marketing, promotion, and financial systems.

In this article we will cover the following topics


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Optimove Account: Sign up for an Optimove account to authenticate your API requests.
  • API Key: Generate an API key in your Optimove account settings for authentication. Keep it secure and avoid sharing it publicly.
  • API Documentation: Familiarize yourself with the Optimove API documentation, which provides details on endpoints, request and response formats, and requirements.

Optimove Entities and Their Relationships

Before delving into API usage, it is crucial to understand the fundamental entities managed by Optimove. These entities are exposed through the Optimove API to facilitate seamless integration. For more information about each entity, refer to the Glossary.

Additional Terms Explained

For a deeper understanding of the Optimove API, it is also important to know certain terms. These include Customer ID, Lifecycle Stage, Lead Time, and Value Segment. Refer to the glossary for a detailed explanation of these terms.

Uses of the Optimove API

The Optimove API serves two primary purposes for system integration:

  • Marketing Campaign Execution Systems: The Optimove API enables seamless integration with marketing campaign execution systems.
  • Financial/Incentives/Promotions Systems: The Optimove API facilitates integration with financial, incentives, and promotions systems.

There are two distinct types of campaigns within Optimove, each requiring a different API workflow: Pre-scheduled Campaigns and Immediate or Same-day Campaigns.

Interacting with the API

The Optimove API offers various endpoints for interacting with our platform. To make API requests, include your API key in the request headers. API responses are returned in JSON format. Handle errors gracefully by referring to the API Reference Documentation for a list of possible error responses and their meanings.

For example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" https://api.optimove.com/endpoint

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your generated API key.

API Sections

This documentation is organized into the following sections:

  • Customers: Learn how to manage customer data within Optimove.
  • Actions: Discover how to trigger marketing campaigns, send personalized messages, and automate customer interactions.
  • Model: Consume Optimove's model data back to your applications to enrich your data and products.
  • Integrations: Get guidance on integrating Optimove with third-party systems and platforms.
  • Transactional: Learn to send transactional emails, SMS messages, and other real-time communications to customers using the Optimove API.