Set Conditional Gateway

Define/update the HTTP Gateway which will be called by Optimove's servers to authorize the execution of triggered campaigns in real-time.


  • This gateway is used for conditional execution triggered campaigns. It will receive a notification when a customer is eligible to receive a triggered campaign and will return the response in real-time to Optimove system (that a customer/visitor is approved/denied receiving the triggered campaign).
  • You can define only one gateway. if a gateway is already defined, setting a new gateway will replace the exiting one.
  • Once a gateway has been set, Optimove will call the listener with an HTTP POST request in JSON format and expect to receive a response confirming the campaign execution.
  • For more information about 'Conditional Execution' please refer to 'Setting Up Conditional Execution' article
  "user": {
    "user_id": "string", // Customer ID or Visitor ID
    "is_visitor": "boolean"
  "campaign": { // The executed occurrence of a specific campaign series
    "id": "string | number", // The ID of the specific campaign in the series AKA Action Serial
    "series_id": "string | number", // The ID of the whole series AKA Plan ID
    "notes": "string",
    "tags": [
    "action": {
      "id": "number", // The unique ID of the action
      "name": "string",
      "promo_codes": ["string"], // Nullable
      "channels": [ // Not nullable
          "id": "number",
          "name": "string",
          "brand_id": "string | nullable",
          "templates": [ // Nullable
              "id": "number",
              "name": "string"
  "user_id": "string", 
  "allowed" : "boolean" // True : The user should receive the campaign
                        // False : The user should not receive the campaign

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!