Scheduled Campaigns

All past, present and future marketing plan and all it's relevant assets

--FOR V1.1



This table stores the details of campaigns that are planned to be executed and already set with mission control.

Use Cases & Examples

  • What campaigns are planned for next week?
  • Which channels are about to execute campaigns tomorrow?
Column NameDescriptionTypeFormat
PLAN_IDA Campaign's IDNumber
MARKETING_ACTION_NAMEName of the marketing actionString
TARGETGROUPNAMEName of the target group for this campaignString
LEAD_TIMELead time for the campaignString
SELECTED_GAIN_KPIKPI that was selected for the campaignString
IS_IMPACT_ENABLEDFlag to indicate if impact is enabledBoolean
EXECUTION_START_DATEStart date of the campaignDateyyyy-mm-dd
EXECUTION_END_DATEEnd date of the campaignDateyyyy-mm-dd
TAGSTags associated with the campaignString
IS_REAL_SCHEDULED_CAMPAIGNFlag to indicate if the campaign is real or scheduledBoolean
EXCLUDE_BY_CHANNEL_FLAGFlag to indicate if some channels were excludedBoolean
IMPACT_LENGTH_PLANNEDACTIONSCONFIGURATIONLength of the impact of the campaignInteger
PLAN_DETAIL_IDOccurrence ID of this campaignString
ACTION_NAMEName of the actionString
IS_ACTION_GROUPFlag to indicate if this is a group actionBoolean
ACTIONTYPEType of the actionString
ISOLATION_VOLUMEIsolation volume for the actionInteger
PLAN_DETAIL_CHANNEL_IDChannel ID for the actionString
EXECUTION_METHOD_IDExecution method for the actionString
PROMOTION_IDPromotion ID for the actionString
CONDITIONAL_EXECUTION_NAMEName of the conditional executionString
DISPLAY_ORDERDisplay order for the actionInteger
UI_PANEL_IDID of the UI panelString
RECURRENCE_PATERNRecurrence pattern for the campaignString
NEXT_RUNTIMENext runtime of the campaignDateyyyy-mm-dd
REPEAT_TIMESNumber of times the campaign should repeatInteger
NOTESNotes associated with the campaignString
LAST_MODIFY_USERNAMEName of the user who last modified the campaignString
LAST_MODIFY_DATEDate the campaign was last modifiedDateyyyy-mm-dd