Standard Gaming Events

Required data to get started with Opti-X

The events below are the list of gaming events we require for our model. Some events may need to be sourced from multiple systems in order to have a complete view of the bet lifecycle.

Game_launch is mandatory for general recommendations - other use cases may require game_session and game_close events.

Game Launch (Mandatory event)

Capturing instances of users launching games

Event setup:

Event KeyEvent NameType
core_game_launchCore Game LaunchSimple event

Event's Parameters:

Parameter KeyParameter NameTypeDescriptionExample
launch_timestampLaunch TimestampStringISO 8601 datetime of launch2024-10-15T15:53:00
game_codeGame CodeStringGame Codeajocpo9Slots101
game_nameGame NameStringGame NameExample Slots 101
game_categoryGame CategoryStringCategorySlots
balanceBalanceNumberStart Balance21
game_session_refGame Session ReferenceStringLaunch of game within a game_session_ref, must align with core_game_session and core_game_close.S129014hiufs2
ccy_codeCCY CodeStringCurrency CodeGBR
languageLanguageStringLanguage CodeEN
countryCountryStringCountry CodeUK
platformPlatformStringPlatform/Site of the game
launch_locationLaunch LocationStringThe container where the game was launched from2
launch_location_indexLaunch Location IndexNumber1-based index of where in the container the game was launched from3
channelChannelStringChannel: Desktop/Mobile/TabletDesktop
skinidSkin IDStringCould call this "brand" if it better aligns with Optimove Coreexamplebrand
licenseLicenseStringLicense codeUK

Game Session

Overview of the game session.

Event setup:

Event KeyEvent NameType
core_game_sessionCore Game SessionSimple event

Event's Parameters:

Parameter KeyParameter NameTypeDescriptionExample
session_start_timestampSession Start TimestampStringISO 8601 date time of session start2024-10-15T15:53:00
session_end_timestampSession End TimestampStringISO 8601 date time of session end2024-10-15T15:60:00
game_codeGame CodeStringGame Codeajocpo9Slots101
game_nameGame NameStringGame NameExample Slots 101
game_categoryGame CategoryStringCategorySlots
start_balanceStart BalanceNumberAmount at game launch21
end_balanceEnd BalanceNumberAmount after game session ends17
stakesStakesNumberUser Stake6
bonus_usedBonus UsedNumberBonus0
ggrGgrNumberStart Balance minus End Balance4
no_of_betsNo Of BetsNumberNumber of bets/spins in the game session.10
game_session_refGame Session RefStringSession of the game, must align with core_game_launch and core_game_closeS129014hiufs2
ccy_codeCCY CodeStringCurrency CodeGBR
languageLanguageStringLanguage CodeEN
countryCountryStringCountry CodeUK
platformPlatformStringPlatform/Site of the game
launch_locationLaunch LocationStringThe container where the game was launched fromTop Games
launch_location_indexLaunch Location IndexNumber1-based index of where in the container the game was launched from3
channelChannelStringChannel: Desktop/Mobile/TabletTablet
skinidSkinIdStringMore than 1 skinid/brand may exist for a tenantexamplebrand
licenseLicenseStringLicense CodeUK

Game Close

Marking the closure or completion of a specific game.

Event setup:

Event KeyEvent NameType
core_game_closeCore Game CloseSimple event

Event's Parameters:

Parameter KeyParameter NameTypeDescriptionExample
game_close_timestampGame close timestampStringISO 8601 date time of session end2024-10-15T15:60:00
game_codeGame CodeStringGame Codeajocpo9Slots101
game_nameGame NameStringGame NameExample Slots 101
game_categoryGame CategoryStringGame CategorySlots
end_balanceEnd BalanceNumberAmount after game session ends17
stakesStakesNumberUser Stake6
bonus_usedBonus UsedNumberBonus0
ggrGGRNumberStart Balance minus End Balance4
no_of_betsNo of BetsNumberNumber of bets/rounds/spins in the game10
game_session_refGame Session ReferenceStringSession of the game, must align with core_game_launch and core_game_sessionS129014hiufs2
ccy_codeCCY CodeStringCurrency CodeGBR
languageLanguageStringLanguage CodeEN
countryCountryStringCountry CodeUK
platformPlatformStringPlatform/Site of the game
channelChannelStringChannel: Desktop/Mobile/TabletDesktop
skinidSkin IDStringMore than 1 skinid/brand may exist for a tenantexamplebrand