Views - Engaged Customers

Targeting History under real time campaigns

Views are out-of-the-box data queries on top of the base structure of the data, providing easy access to common use cases required datasets and additional data useful to exploit the data lakes product fully.

Using views, Data lakes evolve while providing you with data contracts that will be kept and enable stable integrations with your internal platforms.


This view provides a snapshot of targeting history by triggered campaigns for Customers. Use this data to query monitor and analyses what triggered campaigns your customers are being targeted by and identify most engaging campaigns and templates.

-- FOR V1.1
Column NameDescriptionData TypeFormat
IDUnique identifier for engagement recordInteger
CUSTOMERIDUnique identifier for the customerString
ENGAGEDDATEDate of engagementDateYYYY-MM-DD
ACTIONSERIALID of a campaign occurrence on a specific dayInteger
CAMPAIGNDETAILIDUnique identifier for the campaign detailInteger
ISVISITORFlag indicating if the customer is a visitorBoolean
OPTIMOVEIDUnique identifier assigned by OptimoveString
TEMPLATEIDIdentifier for the engagement templateString