Opti-X - Prepare you Data Ecommerce Inventory

💡Note that these fields need to map accordingly with the real time events . For more information [click here]

FieldsMandatoryTypeExampleExplanationOpti-X Impact
SKU_IDNoStringRippedJeans1934256-Blue-W28H30Unique ID representing the lowest level of a product. Not always applicable.Used in recommendation logic, clients may want to configure showing only one SKU of a variant.
VARIANT_IDNoStringRippedJeans1934256-BlueUnique ID representing the variant of a product. Not always applicable.When used in recommendation logic, clients may want to configure and show only one product variant.

Placement Recommendation response output.
PRODUCT_IDYesStringRippedJeans1934256Unique ID representing the product.Foundational to base personalized recommendations with.

Placement Recommendation response output.
ITEM_NAMEYesStringBlue Ripped Jeans, Sized W28 H30.Name of the product.Placement Recommendation response output.

E-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
ITEM_DESCRIPTIONNoString100% Soft Denim Fabric!Description of the itemPlacement Recommendation response output.
CATEGORY_IDYesString0501Unique ID representing the category of the product.Placement Recommendation response output.
CATEOGORY_NAMEYesStringJeansName of the category.Placement Recommendation response output.

E-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
DEPARTMENT_IDYesString05Unique ID representing the department_idPlacement Recommendation response output.
DEPARTMENT_NAMEYesStringClothingUnique ID representing the department namePlacement Recommendation response output.

E-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
BRANDYesStringExample BrandBrandPlacement Recommendation response output.

E-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
CURRENCYNo, if only one currency.StringUSDCurrencyCurrency of prices.
STANDARD_PRICENoNumber40Standard price before saleE-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
CURRENT_PRICENoNumber30Price after sales/special offers.Placement Recommendation response output.

E-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
SIZENoStringW28 H30Size. Not always applicable.Placement Recommendation response output.

E-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
COLOURNoStringBlueColour. Not always applicable.Placement Recommendation response output.

E-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
STOCKNoNumber826Current StockE-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
RELEASE_DATEYesString2024-10-15When the product was released/shown on the e-commerce site.Required for Model/Methods related to the release date, e.g. showing new items.
LAST_UPDATEDNoString2024-10-16 08:02:30When this item was last updated.Sanity checking internal mapping and tracking changes.
FEATURESNoStringJeans, Ripped, Blue, BaggyFeatures of the item.Placement Recommendation response output.

It may be relevant for training new models/methods.
DISPLAY_STATUSNoBooleanTRUEWhether the item is displayed.E-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
DISCONTINUE_DATENoString2024-10-20Date of discontinued item.Sanity checking internal mapping and tracking changes.
IS_DISCONTINUEDNoStringTRUEWhether the item is discontinuedE-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)
IS_AVAILABLENoStringTRUEHard Boolean representing if the item should still be displayed in recommendations.

If items in inventory are always expected to be in the recommendations, this can be left blank.
If items in inventory are always expected
EXTRANoString{Key1: Value1, Key2: Value2}JSON- like string containing additional data.Placement Recommendation response output.
PRODUCT_URLNoStringhttps://www.example.com/products/afjoi239Useful for Image Based Models
PRODUCT_IMAGENoStringhttps://www.example.com/products/afjoi239.pngE-commerce Rules (Filtering recommendations within a placement)

Recommended for Smart Banner use-cases
PRODUCT_VIDEONoStringhttps://www.example.com/products/afjoi239.movCan be useful in other use-cases. Possibly smart banner addition.