SMS Same Day Registration Events

Using the SMS or MMS channels requires that targeted customers' profiles have the following attributes:


The customer profile is typically updated as part of a batch process. This means that the attributes may not be available at registration time for realtime triggered campaigns.

In order to support this use case, you can add MOBILE_NUMBER to the event data (see Real Time (triggered) Campaigns).


If the event data that triggers a realtime campaign includes a MOBILE_NUMBER, it will be used instead of the customer profile MOBILE_NUMBER if the latter is missing.

Behaviour when competing MOBILE_NUMBER values exist between customer profile and event data.

Behaviour when competing MOBILE_NUMBER values exist between customer profile and event data.

Logic - SMS_CONSENT / SMS_VALID (Optional)

Consent and validity attributes are also supported in event data.

This is optional - the safest approach is not to include these fields unless you are capturing that data at registration time.

Behaviour when competing/absent consent values exist.  Applies to both SMS_CONSENT and SMS_VALID

Behaviour when competing/absent consent values exist. Applies to both SMS_CONSENT and SMS_VALID