Engagement Activity

This dataset describes how customers engage with campaigns that were sent to them


The VW_ENGAGEMENT_ACTIVITY_V1_2 view provides detailed data on customer engagements with campaigns they were targeted with, updated daily alongside other datasets. This view tracks interactions at the channel level, represented by PLAN_DETAIL_CHANNEL_ID, allowing for granular insights into how customers engage with each communication channel within a campaign.

Each row represents an engagement of a customer with a certain campaign, capturing key performance metrics such as message opens, clicks, and unsubscribes, along with timestamps for each interaction.

This data is essential for analyzing campaign and content effectiveness and customer behavior across different channels.



  1. View name - VW_ENGAGEMENT_ACTIVITY_V1_2
  2. Data is shared daily, together with rest of the data.
  3. Table contains each customer engagements with each campaign they were targeted with.
  4. Engagements are measured against a PLAN_DETAIL_CHANNEL_ID , represents a communication on a single channel of a campaign.
  5. All timestamps are in UTC

Table Description

Field NameDescriptionData TypeFormat
CUSTOMER_IDUnique identifier for the customerString
CLIENT_CUSTOMER_IDUnique identifier for the client’s customerString
SEND_IDUnique identifier for the send actionString
**ACTION_SERIAL**Sequence number for the actionInteger
PLAN_DETAIL_IDCampaign action IDString
PLAN_DETAIL_CHANNEL_IDUnique identifier for the channel used in the plan detailString
CHANNEL_IDUnique identifier for the communication channelString
CHANNEL_NAMEName of the communication channelString
IS_DELIVEREDTimestamp of campaign delivery, in UTCDateTimeyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
IS_OPENEDTimestamp of the first time a customer opened a message, in UTCDateTimeyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
IS_CLICKEDTimestamp of the first time a customer clicked a message, in UTCDateTimeyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
IS_UNSUBSCRIBEDTimestamp of the first time a customer unsubscribed, in UTCDateTimeyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
IS_DROPPEDTimestamp of the first time a customer's message was dropped, in UTCDateTimeyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
IS_SPAM_REPORTTimestamp of the first time a customer reported as spam, in UTCDateTimeyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
IS_BOUNCEDTimestamp of the first time a customer's message bounced, in UTCDateTimeyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
UPDATED_ATTimestamp when the record was last updatedDateTimeyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS

Use cases

  1. Analyze customers’ engagement by their demographic details

  2. Analyze templates and channels that created the most engagement.
  3. Cross with VW_TRANSACTIONS to analyze relations b/w engagement and purchases.