Campaign Results

Data and metrics of completed campaigns

Explore Optimove's campaign results using this dataset, updated daily with metrics about campaigns that have been completed. In Optimove, this type of data is accessible by Mission Control and Campaign Analysis pages, providing data about the performance of a single campaign and aggregative data of several campaigns.

This table presents a row for each campaign occurance, on each KPI tracked by Optimove, on each lifecyclestage. Viewing a certain campaign occurrence performance can be achieved by summing [INCREASE_IN] for a selected KPI, from all lifecycle stages involved.


  • On different versions, a campaign's ID may appear as PLAN_ID. This value relates to a campaign ID, containing several PLAN_DETAIL_ID , representing campaign occurrences.
  • It is recommended to stay up to date with the different VIEWS available for this data. Learn more about additional views on this data


Latest version available: BI.VW_CAMPAIGN_RESULTS_V1_2. Learn more

Glossary -

  • CAMPAIGN_TYPE values -
    • 1 - Test / Control
    • 2 - A/B/n
    • 3 - A/B
    • 4 - No Control
    • 5 - Self - Optimizing
  • TARGET_GROUP_PRIORITY - Represents the target group priority as set in Manage Target Groups in Optimove. The value 1000000 relates to Auto-Priority target groups.
  • PLAN_DETAIL_ID - A campaign's action ID. Each action in a campaign is represented by an ID. e,g In Test / Control campaigns two different PLAN_DETAIL_ID will appear.
  • PLAN_GROUPSIZE - The overall number of customers in a campaign in this campaign

Use Cases & Examples

  • Which are my top performing campaign, by KPI X, on timeframe Y?
    WHERE KPI = 'Net Revenue' AND 
          EXECUTION_DATE >= '2023-06-11' AND 
          END_TEST_DATE <= '2023-12-31'
    ORDER BY TotalKPIIncrease DESC
    LIMIT 10;
  • How many campaigns do I have with campaign property X (reevaluate, run now, run anyway, conditional exec, recurrence type) in timeframe Y?
  • Which and How many campaigns were targeted on TG X?
  • Which and How many campaigns were targeted on Action Y?
  • SELECT PLAN_ID, COUNT(*) AS ActionYCount
    WHERE ACTION_TYPE = 'Action Y'
    ORDER BY ActionYCount DESC;
  • Which and How many campaigns were targeted on Channel W?
  • Which and How many test types (SOC, test / control, A/B/N) were launched on timeframe X?
  • Performance by test types (SOC, test / control, A/B/N) were launched on timeframe X?
  • Which and How many ad-hoc campaigns and recurring campaigns were out on timeframe X?

V1.0 -


Base Table Columns

Column NameDescriptionData TypeFormat
PLAN_IDA Campaign's IDNUMBER(38,0)
EXECUTIONDATEDate of campaign executionTIMESTAMP_NTZyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
ENDTESTDATELast day of testingTIMESTAMP_NTZyyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
TARGETGROUPNAMEName of target groupTEXT(1700)
LIFECYCLE_STAGEName of lifecycle stageTEXT(200)
KPIIDName of key performance indicatorNUMBER(38,0)
ISDEFAULTKPIFlag to indicate if KPI is defaultNUMBER(38,0)
DISTRIBUTIONTYPEType of KPI distributionNUMBER(38,0)
CAMPAIGNTYPEType of campaignNUMBER(38,0)
TARGET_GROUP_PRIORITYPriority of target groupNUMBER(38,0)
IS_AUTO_PRIORITYFlag to indicate if priority is auto-generatedNUMBER(38,0)
PLAN_GROUPSIZESize of target group according to planNUMBER(38,0)
ISAVERAGESIGNIFICANCEFlag to indicate if average value is significantNUMBER(38,0)
ISRESPONSERATESIGNIFICANCEFlag to indicate if response rate is significantNUMBER(38,0)
INCREASEPERCUSTOMERIncrease in KPI per customerNUMBER(30,6)
IS_COMPLETEDFlag to indicate if campaign is completedBoolean
PLANDETAILIDCampaign occurrence IDNUMBER(38,0)
ISCONTROLFlag to indicate if plan detail group is a control groupNUMBER(38,0)
PLAN_DETAIL_GROUP_SIZESize of target group according to plan occurrenceInteger
PLAN_DETAIL_NUMBER_OF_RESPONDENTSNumber of customers who responded to campaign occurrenceInteger
PLAN_DETAIL_RESPONSE_RATEResponse rate of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_AVGVALUEAverage value of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_STDEV_VALUEStandard deviation of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_AVG_LOG_VALUEAverage logarithmic value of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_VAR_LOG_VALUEVariance of logarithmic value of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_NUMBER_OF_CLICKED_AND_RESPONDNumber of customers who clicked and responded to campaign occurrenceInteger
PLAN_DETAIL_AVG_VALUE_OF_CLICKED_AND_RESPONDAverage value of customers who clicked and responded to campaign occurrenceFloat