Targeted and Excluded Customers

History record of all customers' campaign eligibility and prioritization according to marketing plan


-- FOR V1.1 


Describes relation between a campaign and the customer who received it. This table also contains the relation between a campaign and customers that were eligible to receive it but were excluded for a different campaign, on a higher prioritized target group.

This table includes only scheduled campaigns. All different entities are described in the Glossary

Use Cases & Examples

  • Which and How many customers were included in test / control group in campaign X, in timeframe Y?
  • Which and How many customers were included in test / control group in any campaign, in timeframe Y?
  • Which and How many unique customers were included in test / control group in any campaign, in timeframe Y?
Column NameDescriptionTypeFormat
EXECUTION_DATEDate of campaign occurrence runDateyyyy-mm-dd
CUSTOMER_IDID of the customer who received the campaignString
LIFECYCLE_STAGEName of the customer's lifecycle stageString
PLAN_IDA Campaign's IDString
PLAN_DETAIL_IDAction ID within a campaign, Occurrence IDString
ACTION_NAMEName of the actionString
TAKEN_FROM_PLAN_IDID of the campaign that was taken fromString
EXCLUSION_REASON_IDID of the exclusion reasonInteger
EXCLUSION_REASONName of the exclusion reasonString
EXCLUSION_REASON_DESCDescription of the exclusion reasonString