Views - Campaign Results

Learn more about views on Campaign Results

Views are out-of-the-box data queries on top of the base structure of the data, providing easy access to common use cases required datasets and additional data useful to exploit the data lakes product fully.

Using views, Data lakes evolve while providing you with data contracts that will be kept and enable stable integrations with your internal platforms.


-- FOR V1.1

This view provides a more organized view of campaign results data. This view will be kept in this structure and can be used to integrate additional tools to it.

Field NameDescriptionData TypeFormat
PLAN_IDA Campaign's IDString
EXECUTION_DATECampaign start dayDateyyyy-mm-dd
END_TEST_DATELast day of testingDateyyyy-mm-dd
TARGET_GROUP_NAMEName of target groupString
LIFECYCLE_STAGEName of lifecycle stageString
KPIName of key performance indicatorString
IS_DEFAULT_KPIFlag to indicate if KPI is defaultBoolean
KPI_DISTRIBUTION_TYPEType of KPI distributionString
CAMPAIGN_TYPEType of campaignString
TARGET_GROUP_PRIORITYPriority of target groupInteger
IS_AUTO_PRIORITYFlag to indicate if priority is auto-generatedBoolean
PLAN_GROUPSIZESize of target group according to planInteger
IS_AVERAGE_SIGNIFICANCEFlag to indicate if average value is significantBoolean
IS_RESPONSE_RATE_SIGNIFICANCEFlag to indicate if response rate is significantBoolean
INCREASE_INIncrease in KPIFloat
INCREASE_PER_CUSTOMERIncrease in KPI per customerFloat
IS_COMPLETEDFlag to indicate if campaign is completedBoolean
PLAN_DETAIL_IDCampaign occurrence IDString
IS_CONTROLFlag to indicate if target group is a control groupBoolean
PLAN_DETAIL_GROUP_SIZESize of target group according to plan occurrenceInteger
PLAN_DETAIL_NUMBER_OF_RESPONDENTSNumber of customers who responded to campaign occurrenceInteger
PLAN_DETAIL_RESPONSE_RATEResponse rate of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_AVGVALUEAverage value of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_STDEV_VALUEStandard deviation of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_AVG_LOG_VALUEAverage logarithmic value of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_VAR_LOG_VALUEVariance of logarithmic value of campaign occurrenceFloat
PLAN_DETAIL_NUMBER_OF_CLICKED_AND_RESPONDNumber of customers who clicked and responded to campaign occurrenceInteger
PLAN_DETAIL_AVG_VALUE_OF_CLICKED_AND_RESPONDAverage value of customers who clicked and responded to campaign occurrenceFloat