Purchases / Games

Dataset describing all purchase history, aggregated daily

This data set provides a daily aggregation of each customer's activity in your products, as reported to Optimove and used for segmentation in Target Groups.

Use this data to reveal insights about customers' activity under each campaign.


Latest version view: VW_TRANSACTIONS

Run this query to sample last 1000 records.

LIMIT 1000

Each record represents a unique purchase or a game made by a customer, and contains all the relevant attributes available for segmentation.

Table Description

(This structure describes a typical data structure for Retail clients, might differ between clients)

Field NameDescriptionData TypeFormat
CUSTOMER_IDUnique identifier for the customerString
CLIENT_CUSTOMER_IDUnique identifier for the client’s customerString
TRANSACTIONDATEThe date this transaction took placeDate
PRODUCTIDProduct ID as provided by clientString
OPTIMOVE_PRODUCT_IDProduct ID generated by OptimoveString
OPTIMOVE_TRANSACTION_IDTransaction ID generated by OptimoveString
ITEM_NAMEItem name as provided by clientString
DEPARTMENTDepartment value as provided by clientString
CATEGORYItem category as provided by clientString
PRODUCTTYPEIDProduct type ID, correlates with nameString
PRODUCTTYPENAMEProduct Type as provided by clientString
BRANDBrand value as provided by clientString
NUMBER_OF_ITEMSNumber of items of this type purchased in this transactionNumber
ITEM_PRICESingle item price
REFUND_AMOUNTAmount in case of type 'refund'Number
STORE_TYPEStore type as provided by client
DISCOUNTDiscount given on this transaction