Flow 2 - Shared Responsibility Between Optimove and Tenant

Shared Responsibility Between Optimove and Tenant - Flow

Shared Responsibility Between Optimove and Tenant - Flow

  1. Event Trigger:

A webhook (linked to the tenant’s API) is defined as an event listener via Optimove’s External API.

  1. Webhook Operations (via the Tenant’s API):
    1. Requests the list of targeted customers for the campaign from Optimove’s External API Customers/GetProcessedCampaignCustomers.
    2. Performs necessary operations as needed (e.g., filtering customers due to regulations).
    3. Sends batches of customer data (up to 10K per batch) to the optimove-optipromo-publisher API.

When a campaign runs in Optimove with conditional execution, it triggers a call to the webhook URL.

  1. optimove-optipromo-publisher API Operations:
    1. Validates customers and retrieves their rewards by calling the OptiPromo Promotions Validate API.
    2. Uploads the resulting data to the data connection.
      Updates Optimove’s External API with each customer’s promotion status.
  • Uploads the resulting data to the designated data connection.
  • Updates Optimove’s External API with each customer’s promotion status Integrations/UpdateCustomerPromotionStatus.
  • Shared Responsibility Between Optimove and Tenant - Diagram

    Shared Responsibility Between Optimove and Tenant - Diagram