Flow 2 - Shared Responsibility Between Optimove and Tenant

Shared Responsibility Between Optimove and Tenant - Flow
- Event Trigger:
A webhook (linked to the tenant’s API) is defined as an event listener via Optimove’s External API.
- Webhook Operations (via the Tenant’s API):
- Requests the list of targeted customers for the campaign from Optimove’s External API Customers/GetProcessedCampaignCustomers.
- Performs necessary operations as needed (e.g., filtering customers due to regulations).
- Sends batches of customer data (up to 10K per batch) to the
When a campaign runs in Optimove with conditional execution, it triggers a call to the webhook URL.
- optimove-optipromo-publisher API Operations:
- Validates customers and retrieves their rewards by calling the OptiPromo Promotions Validate API.
- Uploads the resulting data to the data connection.
Updates Optimove’s External API with each customer’s promotion status.
- Uploads the resulting data to the designated data connection.
- Updates Optimove’s External API with each customer’s promotion status Integrations/UpdateCustomerPromotionStatus.
Shared Responsibility Between Optimove and Tenant - Diagram
Updated 1 day ago