Deposit Cancellation

Event Key


This event should be sent when a deposit is canceled before it is completed.

Event KeyEvent NameType
ootb_deposit_cancellationOOTB Deposit CancellationSimple event

Event Structure

The mandatory properties (tenant, timestamp, event, and customer) are required for all events and documented in detail on the Mandatory Properties page. Below is the JSON structure for the context-specific properties of the Deposit Cancellation Event:

    "context": {
        "deposit_timestamp": "2022-04-09T20:15:00.000000Z",
        "start_balance": 100.00,
        "deposit_amount": 50.00,
        "deposit_method": "credit_card",
        "deposit_status": "cancelled",
        "ccy_code": "USD",
        "language": "en",
        "country": "US",
        "platform": "iOS",
        "channel": "mobile",
        "brand": "brand123",
        "license": "licenseXYZ",
        "cancel_reason": "user_initiated"



Parameter KeyParameter NameTypeDescription
deposit_timestampDeposit Cancellation TimestampStringISO 8601 datetime of the deposit cancellation.
start_balanceStart BalanceNumberThe user’s balance before the deposit attempt.
deposit_amountDeposit AmountNumberThe amount that was intended to be deposited.
deposit_methodDeposit MethodStringThe method intended for the deposit (e.g., credit_card).
deposit_statusDeposit StatusStringThe status of the deposit, set to "cancelled".
ccy_codeCurrency CodeStringCurrency code (e.g., USD).
languageLanguageStringThe language preference (e.g., en).
countryCountryStringThe country code (e.g., US).
platformPlatformStringThe platform used (e.g., iOS, Android).
channelChannelStringThe channel used for the deposit (e.g., mobile, web).
brandBrandStringThe brand associated with the deposit attempt.
licenseLicenseStringThe license string associated with the deposit attempt.
cancel_reason*Cancellation ReasonStringOptional. Reason for the deposit cancellation (e.g., user_initiated, system_decline).


  • event: The event name is set to ootb_deposit_cancellation to indicate a canceled deposit attempt.
  • context:
    • deposit_timestamp: Records the date and time of the deposit cancellation, matching the structure in ootb_deposit.
    • deposit_status: Set to "cancelled" to indicate the deposit was not completed.
    • cancel_reason: Optionally records the reason for cancellation, if available.