Game Session

Event Key


This event should be sent when a game is closed, summarizing a game session.

Event KeyEvent NameType
ootb_game_sessionOOTB Game SessionSimple event

Event Structure

The mandatory properties (tenant, timestamp, event, and customer) are required for all events and documented in detail on the Mandatory Properties page. Below is the JSON structure for the context-specific properties of the Game Session Event:

    "context": {
        "session_start_timestamp": "2024-05-27T10:30:00Z",
        "session_end_timestamp": "2024-05-27T10:32:00Z",
        "game_code": "game456",
        "game_name": "Blackjack",
        "game_category": "Table Games",
        "start_balance": 500.00,
        "end_balance": 500.00,
        "stakes": 200.00,
        "real_win_amount": 100.00,
        "bonus_used": 50.00,
        "bonus_win_amount": 100.00,
        "ggr": 100.00,
        "no_of_bets": 2,
        "game_session_ref": "game_ses_456",
        "language": "English",
        "Country": "USA",
        "platform": "iOS",
        "launch_location": "BingoLobby",
        "launch_location_index": 1,
        "channel": "Mobile",
        "brand": "",
        "license": "USA"



Parameter KeyParameter NameTypeDescription
session_start_timestampSession Start TimestampStringISO 8601 datetime of starting a casino game session.
session_end_timestampSession End TimestampStringISO 8601 datetime of ending a casino game session.
game_codeGame CodeString/NumberGame unique identifier/Game ID.
game_nameGame NameStringThe name of the game.
game_categoryGame CategoryStringThe category of the game (e.g., Slots, Roulette, Table, etc.).
start_balanceStart BalanceDecimalPlayer balance on game start.
end_balanceEnd BalanceDecimalThe total balance at the end of the game session (start balance - stakes + real win amount + bonus win amount).
stakesStakesDecimalMonetary real value that was wagered (real bet amount).
real_win_amountReal Win AmountDecimalMonetary real value that was won.
bonus_usedBonus UsedDecimalTotal bonus amount that was wagered/used in the game session.
bonus_win_amountBonus Win AmountDecimalTotal bonus amount that was won.
gross_gaming_revenueGross Gaming RevenueDecimalTotal revenue (GGR).
number_of_betsNumber of BetsNumberTotal number of bets/games played in a session.
game_session_referenceGame Session ReferenceStringReference to the game session event (optional).
languageLanguageStringThe language of the player.
countryCountryStringThe country of the player.
platformPlatformStringThe platform used (e.g., iOS, Android).
launch_locationLaunch LocationStringThe container where the game was launched from (e.g., home, recently played, new game). Optional.
launch_location_indexLaunch Location IndexNumberIndex of where in the container the game was launched from (optional).
channelChannelStringThe channel through which an event was initiated (e.g., Mobile, Desktop, Tablet).
brandBrandStringBrand ID/Name.
licenseLicenseStringWhere they’re licensed to operate.